

YEAR 1 – Core Courses

Code Course Credits
ENG111-2 English Usage I & II 6

YEAR 1 – Core Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI100 Introduction to Literary Theory 文學概論 3
CHI103 Modern Chinese Literature 現代文學 3
CHI105 Fundamental Chinese Aesthetics 基礎中國美學 2
CHI110 Chinese Literary Criticism 文學批評 3
CHI112 Shi Ji 史記 3
CHI114 Chinese Poetry 詩選 3
CHI121-2 History of Chinese Literature 中國文學史 4
CHI131-2 Elementary Putonghua 基礎普通話 2
CHI133 Modern Chinese 現代漢語 3

Total Credits for Core Courses:  32

YEAR 1 – Elective Courses

Code Course Credits
General Education Courses 通識課 (1st term & 2nd term)   6

Total Credits for Free Electives  0


YEAR 2 – Core Courses

Code Course Credits
ENG211-2 English Writing I&II 6
Shi Jing詩經
CHI215 Guided Readings of the Chinese Classics 古籍導讀 3
CHI233 Classical Chinese 古代漢語 3
CHI234 Chinese Etymology 文字學 3
CHI250 Essays of the Tang and Song Dynasties 唐宋文 3

Total Credits for Core Courses: 21

YEAR 2 – Elective Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI248 Chinese Language, Society and Culture 漢語與華人社會文化 3
CHI251-2 Applied Putonghua 應用普通話 2
CHI253 Chinese Ci 詞選 3


Chinese Classical Novels 中國古典小說

CHI256 Selected Readings in Modern Chinese Poetry 新詩選讀 3
CHI258 Selected Readings in Prose of Ming and Qing Dynasties 明清雜文小品選讀 3
CHI273 General Linguistics 語言學概論 3
CHI284 The Study of Lun Yu and Mencius 論孟研究 3
CHI285 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Proses 中國現當代散文 3
CHI290 Creative Writing 創意寫作 3

Total Credits for Departmental Electives 5-6
General Education Courses 通識課 (1st term & 2nd term) 6
Total Credits for Free Electives 0
                              TOTAL CREDITS FOR YEAR 2: 32-33  


YEAR 3 – Core Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI310 Philosophical Thoughts in Pre-Qin Period 先秦思想 3
CHI324 Wenxin Diaolong 文心雕龍 3
CHI376 Chinese Phonology 漢語音韻學 3

Total Credits for Core Courses: 9

YEAR 3 – Elective Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI323 Pian Wen 駢文 3
CHI328 Changes of Chinese Literary language after the May 4th movement 五四以後中國文學語言的變遷 3
CHI350 Chu Ci 楚辭 3
CHI353 Appreciation and Creative Writing of Classical Literature 古代文學欣賞與創作 3
CHI354 Criticism of Classical Novels and Drama 古代小說戲劇批評 3
CHI356 Special Topics in Chinese Linguistics 漢語語言學專題 3
CHI358 Dream of the Red Mansions 紅樓夢 3
CHI365 Chinese Periodicals and the Study of Modern and Contemporary Literature 中文報刊與現當代文學研究 3
CHI366 Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Drama 現當代戲劇欣賞 3
CHI368 Contemporary Chinese Fictions 中國當代小說 3
CHI375 Rhetoric 修辭學 3
CHI378 Theory and Practice of Chinese Teaching 語文教學理論與實踐 3
CHI379 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 中文作為第二語言教學 3
CHI383 Chinese Classical Philology 古典文獻學 3
CHI384 Zuo Zhuan 左傳 3
CHI385 Chinese Textual Exegesis 訓詁學 3
CHI388 Chinese Science Fiction 中文科幻小說 3
CHI392 Western Literary Theory in the Twentieth Century 二十世紀西方文學理論 3
CHI396 Chinese Industrial Attachment 中文應用實習 3
CHI397 School Attachment and Experience 駐校體驗 3
Total Credits for Departmental Electives 12
Total Credits for Free Electives 9


YEAR 4 – Core Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI401-2 Graduation Thesis 畢業論文 6
CHI405-6 Capstone Course 總整課程 6

Total Credits for Core Courses: 6

YEAR 4 – Elective Courses

Code Course Credits
CHI431 Putonghua Teaching and Teaching Chinese in Putonghua 普通話科教學及普通話教中文 3
CHI432 Teaching of Chinese Literary Classics 文學經典篇章教學 3
CHI450 Songs of Yuan Dynasty 元曲 3
CHI452 Su Shi and Xin Qiji’ s Ci 蘇軾及辛棄疾詞 3
CHI455 Selected Readings of Fu 賦選 3
CHI460 Hong Kong Literature 香港文學 3
CHI463 The Study of Lu Xun 魯迅研究 3
CHI468 Li Bai and Du Fu's Poetry 李白杜甫詩 3
CHI470 Shuowen Jiezi 說文解字 3
CHI473 Studies in Cantonese 粵語研究 3
CHI475 Dunhuang Literature 敦煌文學 3
CHI476 Wen Xuan 文選 3
CHI480 Yi Jing 易經 3
CHI483 Unearthed Manuscripts Dated in the Warring State Period 戰國出土文獻 3
CHI484 Confucian Philosophy of Song and Ming Dynasties 宋明理學 3
CHI490 Buddhism and Chinese Literature 佛學與中國文學 3
CHI492 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Women’s Literature 現當代中國女性文學 3
CHI496 Taiwan Literature 台灣文學 3
CHI498 Study of Literature and Geography in the Tang and Song Dynasties 唐宋文學地理研究 3
IDP401 Digital Technologies in Teaching 數位技術與教學 3
Total Credits for Departmental Electives 12
Total Credits for Free Electives 6



Total Credits from Major Programme (Core + Departmental Electives): 124
