
  • 香港科技大學人文學哲學碩士 MPhil in Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • 香港科技大學人文學哲學博士PhD in Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


  • 助理教授
  • 語言中心(中文部)總監 


  • 語言類型學

  • 歷史語言學

  • 漢語方言學

  • 粵語語言學

  • 漢語作為二語教學


  • 漢語語言學專題

  • 粵語語言學

  • 修辭學

  • 大一國文



  1.  Chan, K.W.K. (2022). The grammaticalization of causative verbs in Chinese dialects, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics 12:6.

  2.  Chan, K.W.K. (2022). The grammticalization of liangge in Chinese dialects: A language contact perspective, Yuyanxue Luncong 语言学论丛, 65:58-84.

  3. 陳健榮、向華武 (2022) 〈龍山土家語的並列連詞nietaxa〉,《民族語文》,2:11-23

  4. 范曉蕾、陳健榮 (2022) 〈香港粵語「咗」的語法特點: 與北京話「了1」的比較〉,《語言暨語言學》,23.3:371-410

  5. 陳健榮 (2020) 〈漢語方言介連詞「兩個」的產生〉,《當代語言學》,22.1:17-48

  6. 陳健榮 (2018) 〈論並列連詞語法化的條件〉,《當代語言學》, 20.1:40-60

  7. Lee Siu-lun, Chan Kin Wing Kevin (2015) The Issue of Register-Style in Language Teaching: Analyzing Register-Style Errors of Learners of Cantonese as a Second Language, Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 5.4, pp.319-326, 2015.

  8. 陳健榮 (2014) 〈論漢語的語法化現象〉,《現代語言學》,2.1:1-6

  9. 陳健榮 (2008) 〈論香港粵語介詞連詞 +「 埋」的形態〉,《中國語文通訊》,2:59-72


  1. Lee, Siu-lun, Chan Kin Wing Kevin. 2019. ‘On the Yuti-grammar of Cantonese classifiers: examining [+/- yuti] and [+/- formal] features in Cantonese”, in Feng Shengli, Li Chunpu, Wu Weiping (eds.) Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, pp.126-145. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press. 
  2. 陳健榮 (2018) 粵語二語學習遇上電子資源 胡曉青、李春普、吳偉平編 Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 199-213。香港商務印書館。
  3. 陳健榮 (2016) 以粵語為第二語言的學習者時間指示詞使用偏誤分析, in Wu Yongyi, Li Chunpu, Wu Weiping (eds.) Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language香港商務印書館。 pp.141-150.
  4. 陳健榮 (2015) 二語教學與語言本體研究的雙向範式, in Xie Chunling, Wu Yinghui, Wu Weiping (eds.) Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press. 2015. Pp.128-141. 香港商務印書館。
  5. 陳健榮、李兆麟 (2014) 粵語二語學習者的語體偏誤分析〉. In Lee Siu-lun, Xie Chunling, Wu Weiping (eds.) Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Hong Kong: The Commercial Press. 2014. Pp. 225-236香港商務印書館。
  6. 陳健榮 (2009) 〈淺論乾隆管治西藏的宗教意識形態〉,載香港科技大學人文學部《宗教哲學之現代詮譯》,頁195-207。香港:科華圖書出版社。


  1.  陳健榮 (2015) 對外粵語教學與粵語語言學的互動──以量詞的語法限制為例〉,載孫景濤、姚玉敏編Selected Papers from the 18th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects. 廣州:暨南大學。
  2.  陳健榮 (2009) 〈論「見」在粵語中的詞彙引伸及語法化〉,載錢志安、郭必之、李寶倫、鄒嘉彥編 Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Cantonese Studies: Papers from the 13th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects. 香港: City University of Hong Kong. 2009. Pp. 319-338.


  1.  Chan, K.W.K., & Leung, C.W. (2023, Nov) On the grammaticalization of gam2 in Hong Kong Cantonese [Paper presentation]. The 12th International Symposium on Grammaticalizations in Chinese. Minnan Normal University, China.

  2.  Chan, K.W.K., Wong, S.P., & Ma, T.T. (2023, Jun) The correlation between register-style and word-order in Cantonese [Paper presentation]. The 23rd Workshop on Cantonese. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

  3. Chan, K.W.K., & Leung, H.Y. (2023, Mar) 香港網絡媒體「粵語入文」現象初探[Paper presentation]. International Conference on Cantonese Writing from an Interdisciplinary Perspective, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

  4.  Chan, K.W.K. (2022, Dec) Teaching Cantonese as a second language during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study of hybrid teaching mode in higher education [Paper presentation]. The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

  5. Siow, J., & Chan, K.W.K. (2022, Dec) On the effectiveness of code-switching in TCSL classrooms [Paper presentation]. The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

  6.  Chan, K.W.K., & Leung, C.W. (2022, Nov) On the subjectivification and intersubjectification of gam2 in Hong Kong Cantonese [Paper presentation]. The 26th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects, Jinan University, China.

  7. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “TWO-languages: Towards a new typology of coordinating conjunctions”. Paper presented at the 28th International Association of Chinese Linguistics, May 2022. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  8. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the syncretism of [TWO = conjunction] in Tibeto-Burman languages and its implication on typology”. Paper presented at the 54th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Oct 2021. Southwest Jiaotong University.

  9. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the grammaticalization of disyllabic prepositions/conjunctions in Southern Chinese dialects论南方汉语方言双音节介连词的语法化”. Paper to be presented at the 11th International Symposium on Grammaticalizations in Chinese, Oct 2021. Capital Normal University.

  10. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “Teaching Cantonese as a second language during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student and teacher perspectives”. Paper presented at the 21st Workshop on Cantonese, Jun 2021. The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong and the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies of the Education University of Hong Kong.

  11. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “From co-patient markers to coordinating conjunctions: Reexamining the grammaticalization of he () in Middle Chinese”. Paper presented at the 10th International Symposium on Ancient Chinese Grammar, March 2021. Beijing Language and Culture University.

  12. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “A re-examination on the Coordinating Structure Constraint: from typological perspective”. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum, Dec 2020. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  13. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “A study on the semantic map of coordinating conjunctions”. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Linguistics Typology, July 2019. Renmin University of China.

  14. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “A typological study on coordinating conjunctions”. Paper presented at the 27thInternational Association of Chinese Linguistics, May 2019. Kobe City University of Foreign Studies.

  15. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “The latest development of the syntactic changes in Hong Kong Cantonese”. Paper presented at the 23rd International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects, December 2018. Jinan University.

  16. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin & Lee Siu Lun. “On the grammatical constraints of Cantonese classifiers: from the perspective of the acceptability of sentences”. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of the Yue dialect, December 2016, Macao Polytechnic Institute.

  17. Lee, Siu Lun & Chan Kin Wing Kevin. “A study of Cantonese nominal classifiers in Nu-Cl-N construction: What matters Cantonese second language learners?”. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research, August 2016, East China Normal University.

  18. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin & Lee Siu Lun. “The formal and informal yuti of the [Num-Cl-N] construction in Cantonese: a preliminary research on the yuti-grammar of noun phrases”. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of the Yue dialect, December 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  19. Lee, Siu Lun & Chan Kin Wing Kevin. “The importance of Yuti in teaching Cantonese as a Second Language: Learners’ Yuti errors and implications on CSL teaching”. Paper presented at the 1st International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education, May 2015. University of California Davis.

  20. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the condition for the grammaticalization of NP coordinative conjunctions”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses and Constructions, October 2014, University of La Rioja.

  21. Lee, Siu Lun & Chan Kin Wing Kevin. “The issue of register-style in CSL: Yuti Errors of Learners of Cantonese as a Second Language”. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research, August 2014, Università Degli Studi Di Parma.

  22. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “The Interaction between TCSL and Cantonese Linguistics: Using the Grammatical Constraints of Classifiers as an Example”. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Yue Dialects, December 2013. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

  23. Lee, Siu Lun & Chan Kin Wing Kevin. “Analyzing speaking outputs of LCTL learners: The issue of style and appropriateness.” (co-authored with Lee Siu-lun). Paper presented at 2013 National Council of Less Commonly Taught Language, April 2013. Chicago

  24. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “Focusing from sentence to discourse: The issue of appropriateness”. Paper presented at 2012 International Chinese Language Teaching Conference, May 2012. Columbia University. 

  25. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “A study of the appropriateness of the sentences produced by the students studying Cantonese as a foreign language” Paper presented at International Conference on Chinese Language Learning and Teaching in the Digital Age, November 2011. The Institution of Education in Hong Kong.

  26. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the morphological features of prepositions in Chinese”. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Yue Dialects, December 2010. Macao Polytechnic Institute.

  27. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the sources of coordinative conjunctions in Chinese”. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Research Forum, December 2010. The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  28. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “The grammaticalization of coordinative conjunctions in Chinese dialects”. Paper presented at the 17th International Association of Chinese Linguistics, July 2009. Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, École des hautes études en sciences sociales 

  29. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the lexical derification and grammaticalization of [kin] in Hong Kong Cantonese”. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Yue Dialects, December 2008. The City University of Hong Kong.

  30. Chan, Kin Wing Kevin. “On the Morphology of Prepositions / Conjunctions + MAI in Hong Kong Cantonese”. Paper presented at the 7th Workshop on Cantonese, April 2008. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.